Shine On, Sisters
The Top 12 Truthteller Stories of 2018

This free ebook is filled with our favorite Wf1 stories from 2019, and it’s brimming over with themes of sisterhood, love, loss, and the power of connecting with our deepest truths and innate resiliency as women.
So grab a cup of tea and a box of tissues, and get ready to be inspired!

Enter your name and email below to instantly download the ebook.

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Hi, I'm Kelly McNelis

I’m so glad you’re up for this challenge!

I’m a mom, wife, friend, mentor, businesswoman, Reiki master, minister, healer, incest survivor, and firm believer that there’s no such thing as “TMI.”

I’m also the founder of Women For One, a place where women from more than 50 countries share their powerful stories with the world. Over 1000 Truthtellers have answered our call to action: Make life happen by sharing your messy brilliance. Their stories range from the devastating to the delightful, and everything in between.

Your voice matters to me and everyone in my tribe. So if you want to add your story to our community, you can do so here.

Click here to learn more about me.